Nov 5, 2015


We have all been touched by the ugly disease of cancer. Either a family member or friend have had this experience. 
Tonight I was invited to a fundraiser for the organization called WESPARK. It's for people with cancer, or in remission or survival and family members as well. 
Tonight's goal was $50,000 and they reached it! 
The event was at the Canyon Club in Agoura California. Michael McDonald from the Doobie Brothers performed, his wife is a survivor of 18 years now! Nancy Allen the actress from the movie "Carrie" & "Robo Cop" was the MC. Tickets to that event included food and drinks. It was incredible to see such great musicians play their instruments. Saxophone, guitar, drums, piano, was all delicious to hear!
I had a great time and love really seems to be in the air. Perfect for this time of the year, it's a fantastic way to start 2016

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