Feb 15, 2016


This weekend was busier than your typical Valentine's Day weekend. I dealt  with corrupt sheriff Jailer's, crooked Bail Agents, rude & incompetent sheriffs on the phone, and some polite police at the metro Detention Center in Downtown Los Angeles. 
If I saw more criminals getting arrested, I think I may be less critical of the sheriffs department. If I was sitting in the lobby and I heard about crime being stopped, or violence being stopped, or anything significant, again I would be less critical of the sheriffs and the police. But this is not what I hear. 
I have clients that are in custody on traffic violations, or drunk and disorderly, and I know that there is plenty of violence, rapes, burglaries and home invasion robberies going on. 
While I was sitting in the Parker center jail lobby, I saw a young man who looked very upset walking around in his socks, with a swollen eye and a bloody scrape on his nose. I couldn't help but ask him if he was OK. He told me that he came out of a Hollywood nightclub, could not find his car, (it was towed) and was mugged by three guys. They stole his shoes, the keys to his car and his wallet and his phone. When the cops show up they arrest the victim for being drunk in public. How shitty is that!? There's nothing that I hate more than a thief! Sometimes my career can be very frustrating but for the most part I know that I am helping my clients. Please be safe out there and maybe don't hate Mondays so much. If you didn't wake up in jail, be happy!!

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