Feb 2, 2016


I fully believe in the law of attraction. Last night was a perfect example. If you Google hollywood bail bonds, Raquel Queen of Bail Bonds is the first business that comes up. This is not because I paid some search engine company.  I do not pay for Internet advertising or any of that pay every time somebody clicks or calls on my Internet listing. 
I got a call from a client, we negotiated everything, I checked my bullshit meter, and it was very low, so I went ahead and met the client at Hollywood Jail. My client rolled up in a beautiful car, and they get out of the car and they happen to be gorgeous themselves. We immediately clicked & started talking about all kinds of things as we got the paperwork done. Turns out of course these new clients are artists. Of course they are! That's the only kind of clients I seem to attract! As we were leaving the jail I handed them one of my giftpacks filled with glitter and candy & my card ...they said to me, "you really make a bad situation not so bad and actually nice"... They said this to me as we stood there and looked at the most frightening bail bond office with the neon lights right in front of us. We laughed and said yeah you don't want to have to deal with that! 
Last night was affirmation of everything that I have strived for my entire career! I went home so happy! And I'm pretty sure my clients did too! Bail bonds on a completely different level for completely different people!

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