Feb 22, 2016


Good morning everybody! As a small business owner I am definitely an advocate of supporting other small businesses. Most businesses need at least a small handful of vendors, I know I do. Raquel Queen of Bail Bonds uses silkscreen printers, vinyl sticker print shops, business cards need to be made, my custom cookie, photographers, and more! Call me old school, but I feel that a conversation needs to be had for business to be negotiated professionally and effectively! I do not think everything can be done through email and especially not text or social media. It's amazing to me that people will say that they are struggling, or need more business, yet they have no work ethic.
If you follow me on any of my social media, you will see that there are a few businesses that I most definitely endorse, and there are some vendors that I always have time consuming situations with. 
The competition in business is fierce. Being honest, having communication skills, and being able to meet a deadline, are your best bets for a successful business! We must remember both vendor and customer, that small businesses are pretty much always under a lot of pressure because it's a small business! There's not a lot of help, &  sometimes there's only one or two people doing everything from soup to nuts. Today my message is ...let's support all small businesses today!  Take the time to find your local coffee shop and not go to corporate franchises. Lets help our communities, and our local economies. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog I sincerely appreciate your support!

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