Jan 6, 2016


Happy new year everybody. As 2015 came to an end, I already had four projects in the mix for 2016 & many things to achieve for my business. Some are simple like a new business card, but I can't tell you how excited I am about this business card! Others are much more poignant and meaningful not only for my business but for the community.
2015 was one of the best years of my entire career, I hope it was for many of you as well. 
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and stay up on events, movers and shakers of Los Angeles, also the up & comers! We must all support each other in getting ahead and being successful. Remember you can always Google me, find me on Instagram under Raquel Queen of Bail Bonds, & Twitter as Bond Girl Raquel. Click on shop to order your don't get caught slippin T-shirt! 

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