Sep 9, 2015


I get bond calls from people that want to offer 1% on a bond. What people need to remember,  is like any other business there is a cost involved. Wholesale, for lack of better terms for people to understand.. Basically I have to pay for the bond, and then I resell it to you. Just like any other manufacturer makes their product for certain cost, and then sells it at retail. So it is ridiculous to offer 1% on any bond. Not only will but not cover the cost of the bond, but I also have bills to pay like everyone else. Being a Bail agent is a government job. The state of California mandates what we are to charge people. Another thing to remember is large bonds like 100,000 and over, all require collateral. 
It's amazing to me that people think they will never need a Bail bondsman, you most definitely will. It may not be for you but it will be for somebody you know, and it's beneficial to have a basic understanding. Feel free to call me with any of your questions. 

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