Jan 22, 2016


The year has started with a bang! At the end of 2015 I had four projects already in the works for 2016. Everything has been going smoothly with those projects so far. People ask me all the time, what advice would I give to somebody starting a business? I would say the most important thing is to answer your phone and return phone calls! The second next most important thing or at least one of the most important things is to never be discouraged! You win some and you lose some and that is a fact! 
I want to thank some of the people that make everything possible for me and my business. Wackoe Films, Belle Estanni Sweets & Cakes, K&J Printers, Kym CBS CREW, Below Poverty Level, Red Rose Mafia! 
My photo shoots, my videos, my original art for my flyers, my promotional cookies, my stickers, my T-shirts, my cards, banners, the beautiful models....all of this is done & created by the talent of other business owners. Surround yourself with talented people that can meet a deadline, that can communicate well, and that mean what they say, and say what they mean!

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