Jan 19, 2013


Los Angeles County Jail is a wreck. As a bail agent, hearing your client is in county just puts a knot in your stomach. It's a given that you won't get anybody to answer the phone to give you the so very pertinent bail information, and when and if they finally do chances of it being wrong are very high.
When a bail agent gets there we are greeted by some old cholo senior citizen that try's to mad dog you. You go up to the bond clerks window and nobody's there. You ask the sheriff to call the clerk and he gives you an attitude.
All the while your client is sitting and waiting.
It took my last client 9 hours to get processed out. I posted the bond at 2am and he was not released till 11am that morning.
There's nobody to complain to, nobody to ask for assistance. Nobody that cares whatsoever.
This is all thanks to the Los Angeles sheriffs dept and lee baca.
A very poorly run facility. As a bail agent you have to try to explain to your client and hope they have trust and faith in your services.
It's bad all bad. I hope nobody has to go there ever.

1 comment:

  1. Nice Post Raquel Queen of Bail. The Towers are a nightmare for everyone including bail agents. Maybe the ACLU can get involved somehow. Good Luck


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